
What is a Bump Offer? (+How to Create One that Converts)

What is a Bump Offer

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What’s one of the easiest ways to get more sales? You guessed it — bump offers!

Picture this: You’re buying a coffee maker and — boom! — you get the option to add a pack of gourmet coffee beans at a price you can’t resist. That’s a bump offer in action. The strategy is so straightforward it’s almost genius.

Bump offers are like “Buy one, get one” signs; they’re hard to ignore and even harder to pass up. They add value to your customer’s purchases and can increase your sales numbers.

This post covers the ins and outs of bump offers and how you can create one that will get your customers clicking faster than a cat video goes viral.

Then, I’ll share my proven bump offer strategy that netted a 65% average conversion in just one launch!

By the time you finish this article, you’ll be a bump offer wizard ready to boost your sales.

Here we go…

What is a Bump Offer?

What is a Bump Offer
What is a Bump Offer

A bump offer is a quick upsell item on the order page made to customers during checkout. It’s a simple “Yes” or “No” choice for the customer, without complex options or decision-making needed.

You only need minimal copy (think like a Twitter post). This frictionless approach helps drive impulse purchases and can be incredibly valuable with little work.

For example, an e-commerce site selling fitness equipment could offer a bump for premium workout gloves on the order confirmation page. The copy might say:

“Protect your hands and grip with ease! Add our battle-tested workout gloves for just $19.”

Or an information product selling copywriting training could offer a swipe file of the top 100 best sales page hooks.

The key is keeping the copy very short, direct, and benefit-focused. It should motivate an instant “yes” decision from the customer while they still have purchase momentum. 

Though bump offers may seem minor, they can significantly increase revenue over time. 

The Psychology Behind Bump Offers

The Psychology Behind Bump Offers
The Psychology Behind Bump Offers

What really makes bump offers so magically effective? The answer lies in psychology.

Bump offers leverage cognitive shortcuts and emotional triggers to nudge customers into saying “yes” again after committing to a purchase.

Understanding this consumer psychology in marketing is key to crafting bump offers that convert. Let’s explore the psychology fueling bump offer magic:

Momentum in Buying

Have you ever noticed how, once you start saying “yes,” it’s like you can’t stop?

You’re feeling good about your purchase, and then, an extra little something pops up at checkout. It could be a fancy case for that new phone or a two-for-one deal. You think, “Why not?” You’re riding that “yes” wave, and it’s awesome.

That’s MOMENTUM in buying, and it’s one of the reasons why bump offers are so effective. Since a customer has said “yes” to your product, saying it again feels easy

In fact, studies show that reciprocating a previous decision acts as a psychological reward. People feel satisfied when they act consistently with a previous choice.

So once customers make that first “yes” purchase, they are primed to keep saying “yes” to related offers like your bump. Their momentum carries them smoothly towards another smart decision. I mean, you’ve already got your wallet out, so what’s a few more bucks, right? 


The next psychological factor around bump offers is FOMO.

Scarcity and urgency are important psychological triggers that can boost the performance of your bump offers. Exclusive limited-time deals create a fear of missing out, prompting customers to act quickly.

However, use scarcity cautiously – you want to avoid creating false urgency through made-up limited inventory or fake countdown timers. This can backfire by eroding customer trust.

The better approach is only highlighting real scarcity, like limited-run specialty offers, deals ending soon, or limited stock of bundled items. Make sure time-based scarcity is true, not fabricated.

Some ways to inject scarcity and spark FOMO with your bump offer copy:

  • “Today Only!” – Creates urgency and exclusivity for a daily deal.
  • “Only 5 Left at This Price” – Highlights limited inventory that’s running out fast.
  • “24 Hours Left for 50% Off” – A short countdown timer until the deal expires.
  • “Last Chance Before Price Increase!” – Warning of a looming price rise.
  • “Get it Before It’s Gone!” – Scarcity and exclusivity to act fast.
  • “Unlock Instant Savings Now” – Push immediate action to capture savings.
  • “One Time Only” – Elicits fear of missing out entirely

The goal is to make the customer feel like they need to jump on the bump offer right now, or they will lose the opportunity forever.

Bump Offers and Simplicity

The SIMPLICITY of bump offers is also why it’s incredibly effective in boosting conversions. There are no complicated options or decision-making hurdles.

If you overcomplicate the offer or make customers think too hard, most will end up abandoning rather than following through.

For example, a bump offer with multiple product variants, pricing tiers, or customization options will perform much worse than a simple “Yes/No” choice.

Research on the paradox of choice shows each additional decision point could reduce conversion rates. Customers are much more likely to stick with the default or easiest option.

Some tips for keeping your bump offer copy focused on frictionless simplicity:

  • Lead with the core value proposition in a short headline
  • Use clear, concise language without overly complex vocabulary
  • Focus on key benefits rather than too many granular details
  • Directly prompt the “Yes” or “No” decision point
  • Use psychological triggers like scarcity to encourage quick action
  • Avoid giving too many choices or options to evaluate
  • Make accepting the default option easy

The simpler you can make both the bump offer and the decision to accept, the faster customers will act on the impulse to claim it.

Types of Bump Offers

Now that you know what bump offers are all about, let’s look at the different types of offers you can use. 

  • Upsell Bump: An offer to purchase a higher-tier or more expensive version of the product. For example, an online retailer selling software offers to upgrade from the Basic plan to Pro plan with more features. Upsell bumps are highly effective because you present a logical upgrade path with more value. Customers who love your product are primed to want an enhanced version.
  • Cross-Sell Bump: An offer to purchase a complementary or related product. For example, a clothing store offers a discounted matching belt when buying pants. Cross-sell bumps build on excitement about the original purchase, providing relevant companion products. Customers are eager to get the full experience.
  • Downsell Bump: An offer to purchase a lower-priced alternative product. For example, a SaaS subscription offers a 6-month plan for 20% off instead of monthly payments. Downsell bumps capitalize on budget-conscious customers who need a more affordable option. Offering a deal sweetens the perceived value.
  • Bundle Bump: An offer to purchase the original product along with other products bundled together at a discounted rate. For example, a phone case retailer offers a discounted bundle with a screen protector and charging cable. Bundle bumps increase perceived value through discounts and extras. Customers feel like they are getting more for their money.
  • Guarantee Bump: An offer to purchase an extended guarantee or warranty for the product. For example, a mattress company offers a 5-year warranty extension for added peace of mind. Guarantee bumps provide peace of mind and build trust in the purchase, especially for higher-priced products. Protection is reassuring.

There are many, but the key is to pick the best type that serves your customers’ needs. You can always mix and match ideas to create your signature offer.

Benefits of Using Bump Offers

Benefits of Using Bump Offers
Benefits of Using Bump Offers

Bump offers may seem simple, but they pack a powerful profit punch. I’m talking next-level sales and revenue without extra heavy lifting.

Seriously, once you see the benefits of creating bump offers for your core products, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner.

Implementing bump offers provides a variety of benefits, including:

  • Increased Revenue and Profits: Bump offers add incremental revenue per transaction. This can significantly improve overall revenue and profit margins. Even seemingly small conversion rates of 25-40% on bump offers can drive a sizable revenue increase. Those extra dollars per order add up fast across all customers.
  • Improved Customer LTV: Selling additional products per transaction raises the customer’s lifetime value. This allows for more significant marketing spend to acquire customers. Higher per-order revenue means you can afford to spend more on ads and marketing to acquire customers. The increased lifetime value funds growth.
  • Easy Implementation: Bump offers are relatively quick and easy to set up, requiring just a few lines of copy and minor page edits. Getting bump offers running takes very little time and effort. They’re a small upfront investment that drives continuous revenue gains over time.
  • Low Risk, High Reward: There is little downside to testing bump offers. At worst, they go unused. But, when optimized well, bumps can offer crazy ROI. Testing a few different bumps helps you figure out what your audience wants.

Remember, these little additions are not just extras; they’re opportunities. Trust me, you’ll be amazed at what this simple strategy can do for your growth.

Best Practices for Bump Offer Design

After years of creating different bump offers, we’ve learned a few tricks here and there. Use these as your guide when crafting your bump offers.

  • Offer Relevant Products: The extra product offered should be closely related to the original product purchased. For example, a case for the camera or a membership for the software. More relevant offers will get more people to say yes. On the other hand, random, unrelated products get way less interest. Trying to sell living room furniture to someone buying a mattress makes no sense.
  • Keep the Offer Simple: The offer should be short, clear, and easy to understand. Explain just enough that people see how it benefits them. Avoid lengthy descriptions or too many little details. The goal is a quick and easy “Yes” or “No” choice. Simple offers lead to more impulse buys.
  • Focus on High Value: The offer should be a great deal and a smart buy. Discounts, bonuses, and guarantees can increase the value. Price it with care, considering your costs and profit goals. While you can charge a premium for the convenience, too high a price drives people away.
  • Use Effective Copy: You’ll obviously need some copywriting skills for this (or hire a writer). Write copy focused on the top 1-2 benefits people get. Use headlines that catch attention and give strong reasons to act fast. Limited-time offers create urgency. The copy should instantly convince people this is a good purchase decision.

With the right strategic offer and copy in place, you’ll be reaping those sweet bump offer profits in no time!

How to Create High-Converting Bump Offers

How to Create High-Converting Bump Offers
How to Create High-Converting Bump Offers

Keep these things in mind when putting together your offer:

  • Do Research First: Look closely at your products, customers, and market. Figure out what extra items would add the most value. Check what bump offers competitors use and how. Ask customers directly what they want and will pay.
  • Brainstorm Offer Ideas: Use your research to come up with lots of potential bundle, bonus, or guarantee offers. Think about upsells, cross-sells, downsells, subscriptions, warranties, and more ideas customized for your business.
  • Design and Price Carefully: Once you pick the best bump offer options, work out the details like price, bonuses, wording, etc. Calculate pricing based on costs plus profit goals. Make sure it’s a fantastic deal customers love.
  • Write Strong Copy: Write copy focused on the top 1-2 reasons this is valuable. Use attention-grabbing hooks and be persuasive. Highlight discounts or bonuses that make it super appealing. If you have reviews or stories, use them.
  • Test and Improve: The only way to know what works best is to test options. Try 2-to 3 different bump offers and see which performs best. Keep testing new versions against the top performer to improve. Minor tweaks to copy can make a big difference.

With a data-driven, iterative approach, you’ll be able to dial in offers that convert at impressive rates. It may take some testing and optimization to discover that winning bump offer. But conversion rates of 25%, 35%, and even 70% (in our case) are possible once you nail it.

Turning Offers into "Templates" for Higher Conversions

Turning Offers intoTemplates for Higher Conversions
Turning Offers intoTemplates for Higher Conversions

One proven bump offer optimization strategy is turning your existing offers into packaged templates to sell.

My bump offer rates used to be 25-35% consistently when I first started with my book funnels. I was happy with that for the most part. Then, suddenly, one day, we were launching a $697 offer, and I needed a bump.

Now, at the last minute, the only offer we had left to add to the bump offer was a templates package.

It wouldn’t have been my first choice, but there was something about the package that was enticing.

Everyone on the team was convinced this package would not work. However, thankfully, we had no alternate option.

During Day #1 of the launch, we saw a 70% conversion!

The crazy part is that the price was $147.

I used to do 25-35% on a $37 (with my book funnel).

Even after the warm traffic wore off, the conversions only dropped to about 60% (so we averaged 65% for the launch).

Bottom line? Test templates as your next bump. They can be:

  • Script Templates
  • Site Templates
  • Ad Templates
  • Email Templates
  • SOP Templates

Anything – just turn it into a TEMPLATE.

We tested this many times since on tons of our offers, and the word “template” has ALWAYS won out.

This can easily provide you a 20-30% increase in your BUMP offer if you just add a “templates package.”

The psychology behind this, I suspect, is the EASE and “done for you” feeling that is inspired by the word templates.

What’s the worst that can happen? Try it!

Time to Cash in on Bump Offers

There you have it – all the juicy details for creating bump offers that CRUSH it!

Bump offers are your secret weapon to making more sales from the people already loving what you do.

Stick to the playbook we’ve laid out—picking just the right products, nailing the price, crafting words that sell, and constantly fine-tuning your approach. Doing this, you’re going to see your bump offers really take off.

Don’t leave easy money sitting there untapped anymore. Use this bump offer blueprint to start converting checkout lurkers into happy customers buying more.

The only limit is how creative you get with relevant offers and persuasive copy. Take this advice and maximize the potential of your business.

Let me know how it goes! Hit me a comment by signing up for my free Facebook group for entrepreneurs and marketers. I post there daily about offer strategy, email marketing, webinar conversion optimization, and much more.

You can also network with other business owners and professionals in your industry. So, go check it out now. See you there!

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